TM 9-243TYPES AND USES - ContinuedSTRAIGHT-LIP FLAT-JAW TONGSWIRE STRIPPERS (MULTIPURPOSE)The straight-lip flat-jaw tongs have two straight jaws, afixed pivot point, and long, straight handles. Thesetongs are used to hold bearings and bearing insertswhile setting them in place.END CUTTING PLIERSThe end cutting pliers are used to crop wire flush to theworking surface. They are designed to keep hands andfingers safely away from the wire ends.Wire strippers are used to strip insulation from electricalcord. When closed around wire, only the insulation iscut. The wire core remains undamaged.USING SLIP-JOINT PLIERSNOTEThe following procedure for bending theends of a cotter pin after installation is notthe only use of slip-joint pliers.1With cotter pin installed, push rounded head ofpin (1) with thumb of one hand. Grasp the longsection of extending cotter pin (2) with pliers, andbend it back flat against the metal surface or nut.2Grasp the other section of the extending cotter pin(3) and bend it back flat against the metal surface ornut.17-3
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