TM 9-243TYPES AND USESMACHINIST'S BENCH VISECLAMP BASE BENCH VISEThe machinist’s bench vise has rough jaws which pre-vent the work from slipping. It has a swivel base, allow-ing the user to position the vise in a better workingposition. Machinist’s bench vises are usually bolted to awork bench or table. They are used for holding orclamping large, heavy objects.BENCH AND PIPE VISEThe clamp base bench vise is a lightweight, portablemachinist’s vise. It is attached to a table or bench withthe mounting clamp. It has rough jaws for holding mate-rial and may have a swivel base. Clamp base benchvises are used to hold light materials or in areas where aheavier vise is not available.PIPE VISEThe bench and pipe vise is a dual purpose vise. It hasrough jaws and a swivel base similar to the machinist’sbench vise. However, it also has built-in pipe jaws.Bench and pipe vises are usually bolted to a work benchor table. They are used for holding or clamping heavyobjects, holding pipe for cutting and threading, and forforming and shaping metal.The pipe vise is a special purpose vise designed to holdround stock. It has hinged jaws which allow the user toposition the work and then lock it in place. Some pipevises have a section of chain instead of jaws for holdingthe pipe. Pipe vises are usually bench mounted. Theyare used to hold pipe from 1/8 inch to 8 inches in diame-ter while cutting or threading.18-2
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