TM 9-243USING SCREWDRIVERS - ContinuedUSING A JEWELER’S SCREWDRIVER1 Hold screwdriver as shown, with forefinger onrotating head (1).CAUTIONBe sure the screwdriver fits the screw. Ifthe screw is too large for the screwdrivertip, the tip will be damaged.2 Insert the tip of the screwdriver in the screw slot (2).Turn the screwdriver, between the thumb and mid-dle finger, clockwise to screw in, counterclockwiseto unscrew.CARE OF SCREWDRIVERShandle or rounded tip.not use a screwdriver as a chisel.4.After use, wipe screwdriver clean and place in rackor tool box. For long-term storage, apply rust-preventive compound to all metal surfaces andstore in a dry place.6.A poor fitting screwdriver will damage the screwhead, slip off the screw, and cause personal injury.Use a screwdriver that has parallel sides andexactly fits the screw slot.7.Never pound on a screwdriver with a hammer. Do5.Screwdrivers used in the shop are best stored in arack. This way the proper selection of the rightscrewdriver can be quickly made and fewer injurieswill result.1.When a screwdriver becomes nicked, or the edgesbecome rounded, or when other damage occurs sothat it does not fit a screw slot, it can be reground orfiled. The sides must be parallel to keep the toolfrom lifting from the screw slot and the tip must besquare, at right angles to the sides and to the blade.2.Do not expose a screwdriver to excessive heat, as itmay reduce the hardness of the blade.3.Replace a screwdriver that has a worn or damagedTIP SIDES AREGROUND PARALLELTIP SIDES ARETIP SIDES AREGROUND TO SHAPE OFGROUND AT ANGRINDING WHEELANGLERIGHTRIGHTWRONG22-8
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