TM 9-243USING A PIPE CUTTER - Continued3Open the jaws of the pipe cutter enough to allowthe pipe cutter to be placed around the pipe. Adjustso that the cutting blade (3) is on the line.4Tighten the handle (4) until cutting blade makescontact with pipe.5Then turn the handle (4) 1/4 of a turn moreclockwise.6Now turn the whole cutter one turn around the pipe(counterclockwise).7Repeat steps 5 and 6 until the pipe is cut through.NOTEBe sure the cutter is at a right angle to thepipe as shown to keep the wheel on track.8Remove the shoulder (the rough edge left by cut-ting) from the outside of the pipe with a file (5).9Remove the burr from the inside of the pipe with apipe reamer (6). (See Chapter 39 for care and useof pipe reamers.)10Place protective cap (1) on cut pipe end andremove from vise.NOTEIf the part of the pipe you cut off is going tobe used, put in vise and repeat steps 8and 9. If you are going to store the pipe,put the protective cover back on.35-3
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