TM 9-243TYPES AND USES - ContinuedDRAW KNIFEPUTTY KNIFEA draw knife is a flat-edged tool used especially onround timber to rough-shape wood. It is used to smoothwood after chopping with a hatchet or axe. It consists ofa single bevel blade and two round wooden handles,one at each end and at right angles to the blade. Thehandles may be adjustable or rigid.A putty knife is used for applying putty to window sashesin setting panes of glass. The blade has a wide squarepoint and is available in different lengths and widths.SAFETY1.Do not use knives which are larger than can be4.Do not leave knives in such a position that they willhandled safely to cut work.cause injury to others.2.Use knives only for the purpose for which they were5.Carefully put knives in a sheath or container afterdesigned.use to protect the sharp cutting edges from con-3.Do not carry open knives in your pocket.tacting other hard objects.6.Always cut away from the body, except when usingthe draw knife.USING A PUTTY KNIFE1Before applying new putty, -make sure that theframe (1) is clean and all the old putty has beenremoved.2Roll new putty (2) into a rope and press it into theframe with your fingers.34-3
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