milliammeter, a low-resistance voltmeter and millivoltmeter, and a potentiometer voltmeter.
The multicombination meter maybe used to measure galvanic anode current between an anode and structure, galvanic current between structures, and potentials as with other types of voltmeters and millivoltmeters.
Resistivity measuring instruments are units used to test the corrosive action of a soil. Tests regarding soil corrosivity are necessary when designing cathodic protection systems. Information from these tests is used to locate the most corrosive areas where a pipeline is to be laid and the most corrosive areas of an existing pipeline. It is also used to decide the location for anode beds.
One of the simplest methods for making a resistivity test is to use a single probe resistivity meter. It consists of a probe with two electrodes, an indicating instrument, switches, and the required wiring. To use this instrument, the probe is inserted into the ground and current is applied to it. The indicating instrument gives a reading that indicates the corrosiveness of the soil.
In the field of cathodic protection work, it is necessary to locate pipes in order to locate interferences in the cathodic protection system. An electronic pipe locator is used for this purpose. The main components of the locator are the directional transmitter and the directional receiver. Each one of these units is carried by an operator. The operators are usually about 30 feet apart. During actual operation the transmitter sends out signals which travel along the pipeline. The receiver, in turn, picks up these signals in varying intensities, depending on the distance the operators are from the pipe. When both operators are directly over the pipe, a maximum response is obtained in the phones and on the visual meter of the receiver. Most pipe can be located easily and accurately in this manner.
A protective coating leak detector (referred to as a holiday detector) is used to detect the imperfections (holidays) in pipe coatings. The holiday leak detector is an instrument that operates on an electric current. When it is being
Figure 7-15. - Impressed current method of cathodic protection.
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