Table 13-1. - Outlet Velocities for Optimum Performance of Fans
The term low-pressure or low-velocity duct-space, but requires greater attention in the work applies to systems with fan static pressures less than 3 inches WC. Generally, duct velocities are less than 2,000 feet per minute.
The choice between the use of low versus high-velocity systems requires architectural, mechanical, and structural considerations. Installation cost, temperature control, and operating cost should also be studied.
Low-velocity double duct systems are many years old. It was not until after World War II that their use became extensive. Space for the installation of the double ducts is a main consideration for this system and must be provided during initial planning. Difficulties in providing for this space in modern structures with low floor-to-floor heights and flush ceilings, together with the need for developing a compact distribution system for existing buildings, has brought about the development of high-velocity double duct systems. High velocity saves ceiling space and duct shaft selection of fans and equipment with regard to sound levels. Also, higher duct velocities require increased fan static pressures; therefore, increased operating costs. On the other hand, high-velocity systems are easy to balance and control and have much greater flexibility for partition changes and so forth.
Generally, high-velocity systems are applicable to large multistory buildings; primarily because the advantage of saving in duct shafts and floor-to-floor heights is more substantial. Small two- and three-story buildings are normally low velocity; however, both systems should be analyzed for each building. Table 13-1 shows outlet velocities for the range of optimum performance of typical ventilation fans.
Ducts are made of many types of materials. Pressure in the ducts is small, so materials with a great deal of strength are not needed. Originally, hot air ducts were thin, tinned sheet steel. Later, galvanized sheet steel, aluminum sheet, and
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