Once a part is received, supply forwards a copy of DD Form 1348-1 (fig. 1-20) with the part to the DTO clerk. Because this form does not contain the USN number, the DTO clerk must match the requisition number with the DTO log to determine the USN number for which the part was ordered. It must then be determined whether the part is still required. Questionable items should be discussed with the maintenance supervisor. Parts that are no longer required should not be stored in the DTO bins; they should be returned to supply for return to stock, return to CBC L3 stock, or disposal according to supply regulations. The DTO clerk tags each required part with the correct USN number, PM group, and the yellow copy of NAVSUP Form 1250. The DTO clerk ensures the DTO log and the summary sheet are dated, showing the item received. The part is stored in the DTO bin awaiting installation. The summary sheet can then be used as a record showing what parts are stored in the DTO bins.
When a part is issued, the DTO log is initialed by the receiving individual and a line is drawn through the received date with a yellow marker showing the part is no longer in the bin. If the received part is for a deadline piece of equipment, the maintenance supervisor is notified and determines whether enough parts are on hand to restart work on the vehicle.
Each time an ERO is issued, the DTO clerk checks the repair parts summary sheets to determine whether parts are stored in the DTO bin for the USN number concerned. If so, the DTO information sheet is attached to the ERO to alert the shop supervisor and the inspectors. The shop supervisors ensure that the parts are either used or returned to supply. The DTO bin that was worked through the shop yesterday should be empty today, as all parts should have been used or returned to supply. The only exception is when all required parts have not been received.
Q6. What level of repair parts support does an NMCB main body receive?
Q7. What NAVSUP form is used for requistioning NON-NSN repair parts?
Q8. Upon receipt of a NAVSUP Form 1250, supply should order priority "A" requisitions within how many hours?
Q9. Repair parts summary sheets are filed in what manner?
Q1O. What person determines whether enough DTO parts are on hand to restart work on a deadline vehicle?
Figure 1-20. - DD Form 1348-1.
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