Figure 2-25. - 3000-D water purification unit.
container to hold the processed water. Subsequent water processing requires only diatomaceous earth (DE), chlorine, and fuel.
The major components of the system are shown in figure 2-26. This mobile water purification unit contains a diesel-powered pumping module, a control and chlorination module, a filter module, supplies, and components mounted within a protective frame. It is supported on a pair of skids. Each module may be operated independently in or out of the frame because the interconnections and external connections use the same cam-locking devices. The unit may or may not be mounted on a trailer. The 3000-D can be set up and operated by one person, and it requires no support equipment.
The power for the system is supplied by an air- cooled diesel engine to take advantage of a greater fuel supply in the field.
A highly durable bronze pump, directly linked to the engine, provides both the suction to draw in the untreated water and to provide the water pressure to the unit. The 3000-D Water Purification System is designed to be transported to remote sites on its own optional trailer, on the back of a compact pickup truck, or air-lifted by helicopter with its own standard sling.
SETUP.-At the site, the system should be located on a level area located as close to the water source as possible to reduce suction lift to a minimum. For best results, the system should be located not more than 15 feet above the liquid supply. The suction line should be as short as possible and have few bends to keep friction losses low. The system is usually placed within 30 feet
Figure 2-26. - Separate modules of the 3000-D unit.
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