shorten the loop in the upper lift wire. Also, a drop or two of lubricating oil on the lever mechanism makes it work more smoothly.
If you have a water closet tank that sweats and drops water on the deck, check the temperature of the water in the tank. If the temperature is very cold, this is the problem. The moisture that is in the air surrounding the tank is condensing on the tank. The solution to the problem is (1) place a terry cloth on the tank to catch the water, (2) place a styrofoam insert in the tank, or (3) install a water tempering valve, which places some warm water in the tank while the tank is filling.
Q13. A water leak at the base of a water closet tank normally indicates what type of problem?
Q14. When water continues to run in the water closet bowl after the tank is fill, what most likely is the cause?
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Identify the types of flushometer valves, their operation, and methods of repair.
Two major problems with flush valves are (1) the valve may run continuously, instead of shutting off at the right time, or (2) the valve may fail to deliver the desired amount of water (short flushing). Since flush valves are installed to avoid waste, they must be properly maintained. Once you understand the operation of a valve, you can keep a flushometer in good repair.
Table 5-5 shows the operation of a diaphragm-type flushometer. Read through the table and study the diagrams until you thoroughly understand the operation of the valve.
The piston-type flushometer valve shown in figure 5-43 is opened by a lever which discharges the water from the dashpot chamber. The reduced water pressure in the dashpot chamber then forces the piston assembly upward, which allows the water to enter the fixture. The closing of the valve is automatically controlled with a bypass through which the water enters the
Table 5-5. - Operation of Diaphragm Flashometer