3. Place the water pump on a level surface approximately 20 feet from the water source. Be sure the suction line does not exceed 5 feet in length.
4. Place the suction hose assembly and strainer into the water source using one of two methods:
a. Place the strainer on a mound of stones or gravel and make a large pile of stones upstream from the strainer to divert debris from it.
b. Build a tripod using tree branches and suspend the strainer from the tripod. Build a barrier using tree branches upstream from the strainer to prevent leaves, weeds, or other debris from entering the strainer.
5. Place the water heater on level ground approximately 5 feet from the water pump. When it is possible, arrange a suitable shelter or windbreak for the water heater to conserve fuel.
6. Connect the male coupling of a 1 1/2-inch water hose to the water pump and connect the female end of the hose to the water heater intake.
7. Connect the female end of a 7 1/2-foot, 1-inch ID hose to the water heater and the male end of the hose to the HOT fitting on the mixing valve.
8. Connect the male end of a 7 1/2-foot, 1-inch ID hose to the water pump outlet and the female end of the hose to the COLD fitting of the mixing valve.
9. Erect the shower stand approximately 20 feet from the mixing valve. Connect sections of the shower stand assembly using a 7 1/2-foot, 1-inch ID hose. Install the cap on the shower stand end connector.
10. Connect the female end of a 25-foot, 1-inch ID hose to the MIXED fitting of the mixing valve. Connect the male end of the hose to the female fitting of the shower stand.
11. Install an elbow on the water heater with a slight turn to the right to seat the pin in the slot.
12. Insert a smokestack and guard assembly through the bracket onto the elbow.
13. Tighten the screw on the bracket to secure the smokestack and guard assembly.
14. Place the fuel container approximately 5 feet from the water heater.
The fuel used with the bath unit is highly flammable and may be dangerous to human life if handled improperly. Tighten all fuel fittings firmly. Recheck all fittings when the water heater is operating to ensure there are no leaks with the system under pressure.
15. Screw the drum fill adapter into the fuel container.
16. Connect the fuel line from the pump filter to suction the fitting on the drum fill adapter assembly.
17. Connect the fuel line from the pump to the return fitting.
18. Connect the cable assembly to the water heater, the water pump, and the power source.
Use only the fuel specified. Failure to do so may result in injury to personnel or equipment.
The lack of lubrication may cause pump damage when pure gasoline is used as fuel. To avoid failure, when Firing the fuel burner with gasoline, mix 1 quart of oil with each 5 gallons of gasoline. This mixture provides internal lu- brication for the fuel pump. To ensure proper mixture, pour the gasoline into the oil.
19. Fill the fuel container with the approved fuel mixture.
Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS)
To ensure that the equipment is ready for operation at all times, you must inspect it systematically before operation, during operation, and after operation, so defects may be discovered and corrected. The necessary preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) will be performed before operation. The
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