CHAPTER 1LIGHT FLOOR AND WALL FRAMINGIn the normal sequence of construction events, thefloor and wall activities follow the completedfoundation work. In this chapter, we’ll examineestablished methods of frame construction and discussin general how floor and wall framing members areassembled. An explanation of subflooring installation,exterior sheathing, interior partitions, and roughopenings for doors and windows is also given.WOOD SILL FRAMINGLEARNING OBJECTIVE: Upon completingthis section, you should be able to describe silllayout and installation.Framing of the structure begins after completion ofthe foundation. The lowest member of the framestructure resting on the foundation is the sill plate, oftencalled the mud sill. This sill provides a roiling base forjoists or studs resting directly over the foundation. Workin this area is critical as it is the real point of departurefor actual building activities.LAYOUTThe box sill is usually used in platform construction.It consists of a sill plate and header joist anchored to thefoundation wall. Floor joists are supported and held inposition by the box sill (fig. 1-1). Insulation material andmetal termite shields are placed under the sill if desiredor when specified. Sills are usually single, but doublesills are sometimes used.Following construction of the foundation wall, thesill is normally the first member laid out. The edge ofthe sill is setback from the outside face of the foundationa distance equal to the thickness of the exteriorsheathing. When laying out sills, remember the comersshould be halved together, but are often butted ormitered. If splicing is necessary to obtain requiredFigure 1-1.—Box-sill assembly.1-1
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