Figure 1-2.—Anchor bolt layout.length, you should halve the splice joint at least 2 feetand bolt together.Once the required length has been determined, thenext step is to lay out the locations of the anchor boltholes. the following steps:Establish the building line points at each of thecorners of the foundation.Pull a chalk line at these established points andsnap a line for the location of the sill.Square the ends of the sill stock, (Stock receivedat jobsites is not necessarily squared at bothends.)Place the sill on edge and mark the locations ofthe anchor bolts.Extend these marks with a square across thewidth of the sill. The distance X in figure 1-2shows how far from the edge of the sill to boreFigure 1-4.—Installing termite shields.the holes; that is, X equals the thickness of theexterior sheathing.After all the holes are marked, bore the holes. Eachshould be about 1/4 inch larger than the diameter of thebolts to allow some adjustment for slight inaccuraciesin the layout. As each section is bored, position thatsection over the bolts.When all sill sections are fitted, remove them fromthe anchor bolts. Install sill sealer (insulation) as shownin figure 1-3. The insulation compresses, filling theirregularities in the foundation. It also stops drafts andreduces heat loss. Also install a termite shield (fig. 1-4)if specified. A termite shield should be at least 26-gaugealuminum, copper, or galvanized sheet metal. The outeredges should be slightly bent down. Replace the sills andFigure 1-3.—Installing sill sealer.1-2
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