Figure 7-25.-Steps used for squaring a wall.
Figure 7-26.-Layout for installing ceramic wall tile.
this line level across the entire width of the room. Refer
4. Draw vertical lines B and C perpendicular to line
to the bathroom wall example in figure 7-25 as you study
A (fig. 7-25). Apply tiles to the squared-off area
the following steps:
first. Then cut and apply fractional tiles.
Find the low point of the tub.
Another method for figuring fractional tiles (edges)
Measure up the height of one full tile at the low
is to employ the half-tile rule. (The stick method is
point. Draw a horizontal line A. It must be level.
good for short walls, but the half-tile rule is needed for
Use a tile-measuring stick (fig. 7-26) to
long walls.) Take the number of full-size tiles required
determine the position of full-width tiles in such
for one course, multiply this by the tile size, subtract this
away that fractional tiles at each comer or edge
answer from the wall length in inches, add one full tile
are equal.
size and divide by 2. The result is the size of end tiles.