Figure 7-22.—Tile edges.Figure 7-23.—Trimmer shapes.fig. 7-22). The lugs assure easy setting and uniformjoints. The edges available vary with the size of the tileand the manufacturer.Margins, comers, and base lines are finished withtrimmers of various shapes (fig. 7-23). A complete lineof shaped ceramic trim is available from manufacturers.Other accessories include towel bars, shelf supports,paper holders, grab rails, soap holders, tumbler holders,and combination toothbrush and tumbler holders, to lista few of the more popular units.MORTARS AND ADHESIVESThe resistance of ceramic tile to traffic dependsprimarily on base and bonding material rigidity, groutstrength, hardness, and the accurate leveling andsmoothness of the individual tiles in the installation. Thefour basic installation methods are cement mortar (theonly thick bed method), dry-set mortar, epoxy mortar,and organic adhesives (mastic).Cement MortarCement mortar for setting ceramic tiles is composedof a mixture of portland cement and sand. The mixproportions for floors may vary from 1:3 to 1:6 byvolume. For walls, a portland cement, sand, andhydrated lime mix may vary from 1:3:1 to 1:5 1/2:1.These proportion ratios are dictated by the projectspecifications. The mortar is placed on the surface 3/4to 1 inch thick on walls and 3/4 inch to 1 1/4 inches thickon floors. A neat cement bond coat is applied over itwhile the cement mortar is fresh and plastic. Aftersoaking in water for at least 30 minutes, the tiles areinstalled over the neat cement bond coat. This type ofinstallation, with its thick mortar bed, permits wall andfloor surfaces to be sloped. This installation provides abond strength of 100 to 200 pounds per square inch. Awaterproof backing is sometimes required, and themortar must be damp-cured.Dry-Set MortarDry-set mortar is a thin-bed mortar of premixedportland cement, sand, and admixtures that control thesetting (hardening) time of the mortar. It may be usedover concrete, block, brick, cellular foamed glass,gypsum wallboard, and unpainted dry cement plaster, aswell as other surfaces. A sealer coat is often requiredwhen the base is gypsum plaster. It is not recommendedfor use over wood or wood products. Dry-set mortar canbe applied in one layer 3/32 inch thick, and it providesa bond strength of 500 pounds per square inch. Thismethod has excellent water and impact resistance andmay be used on exteriors. The tiles do not have to bepresoaked, but the mortar must be damp-cured.Epoxy MortarEpoxy mortar can be applied in a bed as thin as 1/8inch. When the epoxy resin and hardener are mixed onthe job, the resulting mixture hardens into an extremelystrong, dense setting bed. Pot life, once the parts aremixed, is about 1 hour if the temperature is 82°F orhigher. This mortar has excellent resistance to the7-20
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