Figure 2-73.-Construction details for partitions that run
Figure 2-74.-Construction details for partitions that run at
parallel to the bottom truss chords.
right angles to the bottom of the truss chords.
between the lower chords (fig. 2-73). This blocking
should be spaced not over 4 feet OC. Nail the blocking
to the chords with two 16d nails in each end. To provide
nailing for lath or wallboard, nail a 1- by 6-inch or 2- by
6-inch continuous backer to the blocking. Set the bottom
face level with the bottom of the lower truss chords.
When partitions are erected tier the ceiling finish
is applied, 2- by 4-inch blocking is set with the bottom
edge level with the bottom of the truss chords. Nail the
blocking with two 16d nails in each end.
If the partitions run at right angles to the bottom of
the truss chords, the partitions are nailed directly to
lower chord members. For applying ceiling finish, nail
2- by 6-inch blocking on top of the partition plates
between the trusses (fig. 2-74).
Although the following reference
was current when this TRAMAN was
published, its continued currency
cannot be assured. You therefore need
to ensure that you are studying the
latest revision.
Basic Roof Framing, Benjamin Barnow, Tab Books,
Inc., Blue Ridge Summit, Pa., 1986.