Table 3-7.-Weight of Roofing Materialsresistant to fire; however, because of their weight(table 3-7), they usually require additional structuralframing members and heavier roof decks.Clay.— The clays used in the manufacture ofroofing tile are similar to those used for brick. Unglazedtile comes in a variety of shades, from a yellow-orangeto a deep red, and in blends of grays and greens. Highlyglazed tiles are often used on prominent buildings andfor landmark purposes.Clay roofing tiles are produced as either flat or rolltile. Flat tile may be English (interlocking shingle) orFrench. Roll tiles are produced in Greek or Romanpan-and-cover, Spanish or Mission style (fig. 3-27).Roll Tile.— Roll tile is usually installed over twolayers of hot-mopped 15-pound felt. Double-coveragefelts, laid shingle fashion, lapped 19 inches, and moppedwith hot asphalt, may be required as an underpayment.The individual tiles are nailed to the sheathing throughprepunched holes. Special shapes are available forstarter courses, rakes, hips, and ridges. Somemanufacturers produce tiles in special tile-and-a-halfunits for exposed locations, such as gables and hips.Figure 3-27.-Types of clay roof tiles.3-22
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