provides the C/B value in inches. This formula is TM/GVW = C/B.
Step 14. Locate the C/B. You locate the C/B by measuring from the RDL the number of inches computed in step 13. At that point, create a letter T on the side of the vehicle with masking tape. The horizontal portion of the tape is labeled GW plus the weight. The vertical portion of the tape is labeled C/B and is the distance in inches measured from the RDL (fig. 4-11).
To find the C/B of a track vehicle (dozer), drive the vehicle onto a wooden beam until it balances (fig.4-12). The weight of a track vehicle is determined by laying wood on top of the scales and driving the dozer onto the wood. The sum of the weight of the scales provides the GVW.
Once all the weights have been computed, they are marked on both sides of the vehicle and are annotated on the manifest list. The vehicle is then staged on the scheduled chalk.
Although there are other procedures used to compute the C/B for vehicles, the previously listed procedures must be followed when you use the CALM computer program currently used in the NCF.
PALLETIZED CARGO. - Cargo should be palletized on 463-L air certified pallets, as shown in figure 4-13.
Figure 4-13. - 463-L pallet with cargo and nets.
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