Figure 4-16. - Bare tine extenders.
and labeled on each side (88-inch dimension) of the 463-L pallet.
Handling and loading 463-L pallets with a forklift requires the use of fork extensions (tine fork extenders) to support the weight and size of the pallet fully. Technical publications that govern loading procedures for aircraft require forklift tines be a minimum of 72 inches in length.
The extenders are designed in two configuration: bare tine extenders (fig. 4-16) and rollerized tine extenders (fig. 4-17). The rollerized version of tine extenders is best suited for the rapid handling of 463-L pallets. The bare tine extenders are more useful in pallet building and the placement of mobile loads on beds of vehicles. Either type of extender is acceptable and can be locally manufactured. However, you must exercise
Figure 4-17. - Rollerized tine extenders.
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