Figure 6-11. - Preventive maintenance procedures.
3. Prepare a PM checkoff card (fig. 6-12) for use by the inspection team (one CE and one UT). The team completes the scheduled inspections for each piece of dynamic equipment.
4. Perform required equipment inspections/PMs and complete the PM card to include the month and year of each inspection action. Generate an inspector's report (fig. 6-13) to identify any required work beyond the scope of the PM.
5. Evaluate the inspectors' reports and initiate any required corrective actions.
6. Do not discard or destroy PM checkoff cards when new cards are required. Staple a new card to the front of the old card to show a continuous record of inspection/service for each piece of equipment.
A current and valid inspection certificate is required for certain sized boilers. If the certification is expiring, the inspector will notify the maintenance chief. The maintenance chief arranges for the necessary certification from a local certified boiler inspector. The CMO must be aware of all certification requirements and expiration dates to properly monitor camp equipment.
The 2ndNCB/3rdNCB DET conducts periodic random checks of PMs. These checks consist of visual inspection and verification of work completion. Detailed and thorough random checks also are conducted by the PM/COSAL coordinator and the shops foreman.
Any changes or additions to equipment or systems are coordinated with the 2ndNCB/3rdNCB DET. The facility equipment records are modified accordingly.
The key to a suceessful preventive maintenance program is a systematic, continuous inspection
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