If the latter procedure is to be used the distance between the runway and its parallel taxiway must be carefully controlled Since the mat width is 2 feet, a gap of almost 1 foot could occur at each end of the interconnecting lateral taxiway. The gap between the lateral taxi way and the long taxiway and runway should not exceed 2 inches.
RUNWAY-TAXIWAY CONNECTIONS. - Install W-degree connectors on the edge of the runway at the point where the lateral taxiways will connect with the runway. The 90-degree connectors may be used at other points where two mat-laying patterns, at 90 degrees to each other, are to be joined.
NOTE: The 90-degree connectors can be used to connect the end of the lateral taxiway with the long taxiway also.
The two procedures for installing 90-degree connectors are as follows:
PROCEDURE NUMBER 1. Where the adjoining pattern has not been laid, install a sufficient number of 90-degree connectors along the 2-foot edge of matting, such as the edge of the runway, equal to the width of the taxi way or other section to be joined. Lay a half-length mat into the first 90-degree connector, so the end of the mat matches the end of the connector. Engage the prongs of a full-length mat into the prongs of the half-length mat previously laid and push into engagement with the 90-degree connector. Continue to lay mats in the above manner until the first row is completed to the length of the 90-degree connectors. Additional mats may then be laid in the usual manner. (See fig. 11-25.)
PROCEDURE NUMBER 2. Where the adjoining mat pattern has already been laid, adjust the last few rows of matting (of the taxiway), so the space
Figure 11-25. - Procedure No.1, 90-degree connectors.
Figure 11-26. - Procedure No. 2, 90-degree connectors.
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