Figure 3-57. - Orange peel head.
Now, divide x-o-x into equal parts-in this case, 6. Then draw the lines x1-x1 and x2x2. These represent the concentric circles in view B. In laying out the template, the distances a-b, b-c, a1-b1, a2-b2, and so on, are taken from view B. The distances x+,x-xl, x-x2, b-b1, and so on, are taken from view A. It is not actually necessary to draw views A and B since all the values can be determined by a simple computation. All cutting should be radial followed by a beveling cut.
A one-shot field method of making an orange peel is shown in figure 3-58. This method can be used when you are going to make only one orange peel. Incidentally, the tables shown in figure 3-58 will help to lineup your template better.
Figure 3-58. - A field method of making an orange peel.
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