gaskets must be placed between the chimes and the rubber gasket material at the seams, the top, and the bottom of all of the side sheets to ensure a leakproof connection.
SECOND STAVE. - Install the staves in a counterclockwise direction around the bottom. To assist in the installation of this stave, push two or three bolts flush with the gasket in the chime of the bottom to the right of the first stave. Install the rubber gaskets and steel recessed washers on all of the vertical seam bolts.
Set the stave in position with the left seam outside the right seam of the first stave. Use driftpins in the open bolt holes in the stave to align the holes in the stave. Install the nuts only at every sixth or tenth bolt in the row. As the remaining staves are installed, check carefully the position and the tightness of all the radii, the strip, and the wedge gaskets.
REMAINING INTERMEDIATE STAVES. - Face the outside of the second stave and install 11 staves to the right of the second stave or in a counterclockwise direction around the bottom. Assemble the hook ladder, and hook it over the inside of the staves. As the staves are installed, stand on the ladder and fit all of the bolt heads squarely into the channels. All of the bolt heads must be fitted squarely
Figure 9-13. - Location of the scaffold around the top chime of the staves.
into the stave joint channels to ensure proper tightening of the nuts.
LAST STAVE. - To assist in the installation of this stave, push all of the bolts (fig. 9-12, #2) in the chime of the bottom flush with the gasket to provide clearance for sliding in the last stave. Set the stave in position with the left seam outside the right seam of the next-to-last stave and the right seam inside the left seam of the first stave. Loosen the bottom chime nuts of staves #2 and #3. Lift the first stave #3 slightly, so the bottom chime of the stave #1 slips into place. Use driftpins and align the holes and the bolts in staves #1, #2, and #3. Install the nuts on the bolts in the chime of the bottom. Install 1-by 1 l/2-inch bolts (fig. 9-13, #2) in the third and twentieth bolt holes of the vertical seam, counting down from the top chime of every stave. These are scaffold-mounting bolts. Install the remaining bolts in all of the seams. Install the gaskets and washers with the cup side down over the gaskets
Figure 9-14. - Removing the timber blocking.
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