The title block identifies each sheet in a set of drawings. (See fig. 1-11.) Generally, the title block is located at the bottom right comer of the drawing regardless of the size of the drawing (except for vertical title block). For further information on the layout of title blocks, refer to the Engineering Aid 3.
The information provided in the title block is important information that a Steelworker MUST understand. The information includes the following:
Architect's name
Architect's seal
Drawing title
Date prepared
Designed by
Checked by
Drawing numbers
Name of local activity
Code ID number (80091 NAVFAC)
Letter designation
Size of drawing
Scale of drawing
ABFC drawing number (if applicable)
Approved by
There are many variations to title blocks. Depending on the preparing activity (NAVFAC, NCR, NMCB, etc.), all title blocks
should contain the same information listed above.
A Revision block contains a list of revisions made to a drawing. The Revision block is located in the upper right-hand corner. The Revision block can include a separate "PREPARED BY" column to indicate the organization, such as an architectural engineering firm, that prepared the revision. Like title blocks, revision blocks can vary in format with each command.
Graphic scales are located in the lower right-hand comer of each drawing sheet, with the words Graphic Scales directly over them. The correct graphic scales must be shown prominent y on each drawing because, as drawings are reduced in size, the reductions are often NOT to scaled proportions. Remember, scaling a drawing should be done as a "last resort."
NOTES are brief, clear, and explicit statements regarding material use and finish and construction methods. Notes in a construction drawing are classified as specific and general.
SPECIFIC notes are used either to reflect dimensional information on the drawing or to be explanatory. As a means of saving space, many of the terms used in this type of note are often expressed as abbreviations.
GENERAL notes refer to all of the notes on the drawing not accompanied by a leader and an arrowhead. As used in this book, general notes for a set of drawings covering one particular type of work are placed on the first sheet of the set. They should be
Figure 1-11. - Title block.
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