points simultaneously consistent with the available personnel and handling equipment. Speed of removal of matting will be considerable y greater if disassemble y takes place in the opposite direction of assembly; that is, the female connector is removed from the male connector.
In a SATS system where a guide rail is not used, matting removal at points other than exposed ends of matting requires removal of typical keylock sections as the initial step.
The procedure for removal is composed of the following steps:
1. Remove typical keylocks by loosening the socket head screw at the first joint until it is free of the lower thread (about 7/1 6 inch). Do not remove further as this screw is self-retaining, and disassembly and future assembly are accomplished from this position. If the exposed end of the typical keylock is a cut end, that particular section must be pried out or pulled out. If the female end is exposed, the section may be removed using the special removal tool. (See fig. 11-35.)
2. The backfill must be removed from the runway approach aprons that may be accomplished as the center portions of the runway are being disassembled.
3. The 90-degree connectors are independently removable by sliding individual connectors lengthwise. However, the mat disassembly procedure should be planned so that the matting engaged on the 12-foot edge is removed first. This cccurs, for example, where the lateral taxiway matting (12-foot edge) meets the runway (fig. 11-26), then 90-degree connectors can be removed more easily than by sliding connectors lengthwise.
4. Tie-downs must be removed before parking area disassembly.
5. Disassembly of a mat row may proceed from the end with the overlapping mat. Remove the locking bar from the adjaent mat by inserting a bent rod or wire into the hole in the locking bar and pulling it straight out. (See fig. 11-35.) The most efficient procedure requires disassemble y in reverse order of assembly. Therefore, starter keylocks will be the last component removed from the runway. Remove the starter keylocks by removing the socket head screws from each adjoining starter keylock Insert the connector bar in the starter keylock just removed to the second hole (the bar will protrude 1 inch), and tighten the screw. Replace and tighten the screw in the adjacent keylock.
In a SATS system where a guide rail is used, portions of the installation, other than the runway, may be disassembled in the same manner as described previously. However, the presence of the guide rail prevents the removal of matting other than from one end. Runway aprons that do not include guide rail sections are an exception. These portions may be removed at any convenient time after the backfill has been removed. Removal of the runway matting and guide rail must start at the same end at which the runway was completed. In addition to the removal of locking bars between the mats, the locking bars connecting the mats to the guide rail must also be removed. Removal of guide rail locking bars is accomplished in the same manner as for mats. (See fig. 11-35.)
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