from the direction of pull. Make the front hole about 1 1/2 to 3 feet deep and the rear hole 2 feet deep (fig. 6-44). After driving pickets into the holes, you should secure the guy to the front picket. Then lash the pickets together with a chain or wire rope to transmit the load.
Pickets used in the construction of picket holdfasts may be made of wood or steel. A wood picket should be at least 3 inches in diameter and 5 feet long. A single picket holdfast can be provided by driving a picket 3 to 4 feet into the ground, slanting it at an angle of 15 degrees opposite to the pull. In securing a single guy line to a picket, you should take two turns around the picket and then have part of the crew haul in on the guy as you take up the slack. When you have the guy taut, secure it with two half hitches. In undisturbed loam soil, the single picket is strong enough to stand a pull of about 700 pounds.
Combination Picket Holdfast
A combination picket holdfast consists of two or more pickets. Figure 6-45 gives you an idea of how to
Figure 6-45. - Combination pickets.
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