ASSIGNMENT 1Textbook Assignment: "Introduction," "Safety and Safety Equipment," "Reading MeasuringScales." "Tool Boxes," "Dividers," "Calipers," "Micrometers," "Rulesand Tapes," and "Miscellaneous Measuring Tools," chapters 1 through 9,pages 1-1 through 9-3.1-1.The text for this course provideswhich of the followinginformation?1. Information on the use and careof selected hand tools andmeasuring tools2. An explanation of the types anduses of a large number of tools3. A practical application of aselected group of tools, safetyrequirements. general care, andlimited repair4. All of the above1-2.In reference to the use and careof hand tools and measuring tools,which of the following statementsis/are true?1. A user must have, choose, anduse the correct tools in orderto do the work quickly,accurately, and safely2. Without the proper tools andknowledge of how to use them,the user wastes time, reducesefficiency, and may face injury3. Both 1 and 2 above4. Using tools comes naturally tomost people, and formaltraining is not normally needed1-3.You are using the text for thiscourse and need information abouta specific tool or operation.What is the easiest way to findthe information?1. Refer to the alphabetical indexat the end of the manual andturn to the pages that apply2. Flip through the text and lookfor the appropriatei l l u s t r a t i o n s3. Refer to the numerical toolindex at the front of the text4. Refer to the tool color codingchart at the end of the text1-4.The introduction to each toolchapter in the text provides whichof the following information?1. How to choose and use the toolscovered2. The various types of toolsavailable and an example oftheir use3. Instructions on the care oftools and safety precautions4. All of the above1-5.What chapter in the text coversSafety and Safety Equipment?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four1-6.Who is the most important part ofsafety procedures?1. Your immediate supervisor2. The executive officer3. The safety officer4. You1-7.Which of the following statementspertaining to tools is NOT true?1. You should keep an inventorylist in your tool box and checkit after each job2. You should use each tool onlyon the job for which it wasdesigned3. Damaged tools should be savedbecause they can sometimes beused for purposes other thanfor which they were designed4. A worker's efficiency is oftena direct result of thecondition of the tools beingused1
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