1-8.Worker's are often judged by themanner in which they handle andcare for their tools.Your ownefficiency will be improved if youfollow which of the followingsteps?1. Organize your tools so thatthose used most frequently canbe reached easily withoutsorting through the entirecontents of the tool box2. Always place the most expensivetools in the bottom of tool box3. Clean your tools at the end ofthe week rather than after eachjob4. Store your tools on highshelves where the humidity islower1-9.When working with power tools, youshould follow all EXCEPT which ofthe' following procedures?1. Never operate any powerequipment unless you arecompletely familiar with itscontrols and features2. Never try to clear a jammedpower tool until it isdisconnected from the powersource3. Before connecting a power toolto a power source, be sure thetool switch is in the "ON"position4. Check electrical cables andcords frequently foroverheating1-10.Safety shoes protect and preventinjury or loss of toes. Somesafety shoes are designed to limitdamage to your toes from fallingobjects.What is usually placedin such shoes for protection?1-11.Proper eye protection is of thehighest importance for allpersonnel.Eye protection isnecessary because of which of thefollowing hazards?1. Infrared and ultravioletradiation2. Flying objects such as sparks,globules of molten metal, orchipped concrete and wood3. Both 1 and 2 above4. Audio vibrations1-12.Protective helmets are made fromwhich of the following materials?1. Polyethylene2. Polycarbonate3. Both 1 and 2 above4. Perineurium1-13.Regular hard hats must beinsulated so that personnel may beprotected from voltages up to whatmaximum amount?1. 2.200 v o l t s2. 3,000 volts3. 5,000 volts4. 9.000 volts1-14.Electrical workers requiring headprotection must wear safetyhelmets which are capable ofwithstanding what minimum voltageproof-test?1.10,000 volts2. 20,000 volts3. 30,000 volts4. 40,000 volts1-15.Personnel working with electricityare usually required to weargloves made from which of thefollowing materials?1. Nails2. Rubber3. Plastic4. Steel plates1. Cloth2. Leather3. Nylon4. Rubber2
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