1-29.Transfer calipers are used forwhat purpose?1. Threading wire through abulkhead2. Holding glued parts together3. Weighing nuts and bolts4. Measuring chamfered grooves orflanges1-30.What type of caliper is used forfinding shaft centers or locatingshoulders?1. A slide caliper2. A vernier caliper3. A hermaphrodite caliper4. An outside caliper1-31.Slide calipers can be used forwhich of the following purposes?1. Finding shaft centers2. Measuring outside dimensions3. Measuring inside dimensions4. Both 2 and 3 above1-32.Which of the following types ofcalipers contain a straightmeasuring rule?1. Transfer calipers2. Slide calipers3. Hermaphrodite calipers4. Spring-joint calipers1-33.Which of the following instrumentscan be used to measure distancesbeyond the range of calipers?1. Trammels2. Pullers3. Planes4. Taps1-34.To read a vernier caliper, youmust be able to understand whichof the following scales?1. Steel rule2. Vernier3. Both 1 and 2 above4. British thermal unit1-35.On a vernier caliper, the vernierscale is divided into what numberof parts?1. 102. 203. 254. 401-36.On a vernier caliper, what is thedifference between the width ofone of the 25 spaces on thevernier scale and one of the 24spaces on the steel rule?1. 1/1000 of an inch2. 2/1000 of an inch3. 3/1000 of an inch4. 4/1000 of an inch1-37.On a 24-inch or 600-mm caliper,what does .300 inch equal inmetric measure?1.1.22 mm2. 2.44 nun3.5.66 nun4. 7.62 mm1-38.Standard micrometers are designedto measure distances to whatnearest accuracy?1..001 of an inch2..002 of an inch3..003 of an inch4..004 of an inch1-39.Which of the following types ofmicrometers is/are commonly used?1. The outside micrometer2. The inside micrometer3. The depth micrometer4. All of the above1-40.What is the range of an insidemicrometer when used with a1/2-inch spacer?1..500 of an inch2..200 of an inch3..300 of an inch4..400 of an inch4
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