2-21.A right angle is what number ofdegrees?1.30 degrees2. 60 degrees3. 75 degrees4. 90 degrees2-22.Which of the following tools isused for testing bevels and layingout angles?1. A plumb bob2. A climbing tool3. A mattocks4. A T-bevel2-23.To transfer measurements to workand to indicate the parallelism ofsurfaces, you should use which ofthe following tools?1. A dial depth gage2. A vernier depth gage3. A surface gage4. A micrometer depth gage2-24.Which of the following tools isused to measure the depth ofholes, slots, counterbores, andrecesses?1. A snap gage2. A telescoping gage3. A two-piece collet die4. A rule depth gage2-25.In reference to a vernier depthgage, which of the followingstatements is/are true?1. It consists of a graduatedscale that is either 6 or 12inches long2. It has a sliding head that isdesigned to bridge holes andslots3. It cannot enter holes less than1/4 inch in diameter4. All of the above2-26.Which of the following tools canbe used to measure the thicknessof paint?1. A dial depth gage2. A rule depth gage3. A machinist's level4. A master precision level2-27.Height gages are normallygraduated in which of thefollowing divisions?1..015 inch2. .025 inch3. .500 inch4..750 inch2-28.In reference to a surface plate,which of the following statementsis/are true?1. A surface plate provides atrue, smooth, plane surface2. A surface plate is often usedas a level base for surface andheight gages from which to makeaccurate measurements3. A surface plate is usually madeof close grained cast iron andis rectangular in shape4. All of the above2-29.In reference to ring gages, whichof the following statements istrue?1. GO gages are larger than NO GOgages2. GO gages are smaller than NOgages3. GO and NO GO gages cannot bedistinguished from each other4. GO gages and NO Go gages arealways the same size2-30.Which of the following gageclasses indicates that the gage isprecision lapped to closetolerances?1. Class Y2. Class X3. Class Z4. Class ZZ9
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