2-52.A wire gage is normally whatshape?1. Square2. Triangular3. Circular4. Rectangular2-53.Drill gages have a series ofholes. The holes are marked inwhich of the following ways?1. Letters2. Fractions3. Numbers4 . A l l o f t h e a b o v e2-54.Marking gages are normally madefrom which of the followingmaterials?1. Copper or tin2. Wood or steel3. Plastic or glass4. Paper or plastic2-55.Which of the following tools canbe used to check the piston ringgap clearance in a cylinder bore?1. A thickness gage2. A marking gage3. A wire gage4. An awl2-56.Which of the following types ofpliers can be used to cut smallmaterials such as wire and cotterpins?2-57.Which of the following types ofpliers is used only for cutting?1. Diagonal2. Slip-joint3. Round-nose4. Flat-nose2-58.The piston holding vise is aspecial purpose vise which canhold engine pistons up to andincluding what maximum diameter?1.3 1/2 inches2.5 1/2 inches3. 7 2/3 inches4. 9 3/8 inches2-59.The pin vise is a special purposevise which has a knurled metalhandle and a chuck. It isdesigned to hold material from 0to what maximum diameter?1.0.187 inch2. 0.397 inch3. 3.254 inches4. 8.134 inches2-60.The handsaw filing vise is aspecial purpose vise used forholding handsaws while they arebeing sharpened.It has jaws thatare normally between 9 1/2 andwhat maximum number of inches?1.5 inches2.7 inches3.11 inches4. 32 inches1. Parallel jaw2. Flat-nose3. Slip-joint4. Diagonal cutting12
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