3-21.In reference to ignition wrenches.which of the following statementsis true?1. Ignition wrenches are usuallyvery large in size2. Ignition wrenches usually havethe same size jaw opening onboth ends3. Ignition wrenches are usuallyused to remove lug nuts fromwheels of vehicles4.Ignition wrenches are usuallyoffset 10 degrees on each end3-22.Which of the following types ofwrenches combines the open-end jawwith a long tapered shank providinga wrench/alignment punchcombination?1. A construction wrench2. An ignition wrench3. An open end wrench4. A box wrench3-23.Wrenches are usually made fromwhich of the following materials?1.Plastic2. Copper3 . T i n4. Steel alloy3-24.Which of the following types ofwrenches is used in the buildingtrades and on heavy objects thatrequire alignment before fastening?1. An open-end wrench2. A box wrench3. A combination wrench4. A construction wrench3-25.In reference to box wrenches, whichof the following statements is/aretrue?1. Box wrenches are offset fromthe shank by 15 degrees2. The 12-point opening on a boxwrench may be used on bothsquare and hexagonal bolt heads3. The length of a box wrenchdepends upon the size of theiropening4. All of the above3-26.Which of the following types ofwrenches does NOT have to be liftedup and repositioned each time theshank has reached its maximumtravel between two obstructions?1. An engineer's single open-endwrench2. A ratchet-box wrench3. An ignition wrench4. A combination wrench3-27.In reference to socket wrenches,which of the following statementsis/are true?1. A socket wrench consists of asquare metal sleeve with around opening in one end forinsertion of a handle2. The length of a socketdetermines its size3. The drive end of a socket mayvary in size from 1/4 to 1 inch4. All of the above3-28.Which of the following tools isused when it is necessary to reacharound an object?1. A universal joint socket2 . A p l u m b b o b3. A micrometer4. A bevel protractor3-29.Which of the following tools isused for increased leverage or forworking around other objects?1. A ratcheting adapter2. A sliding T-Bar handle3. A crowfoot wrench4. A wedge-type stud remover3-30.Which of the following tools isused to change the drive sizebetween a socket and a handle?1. A ratcheting adapter2. A socket wrench adapter3. A sliding T-Bar4. A hinged handle15
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