3-10.Which of the following tools isused to form and shape sheet metal?1. A carpenter's hammer2. A tinner's mallet3. A jeweler's hammer4. A mason's hammer3-11.A trimmer's hammer has a round flatface on one end of the head. Whattype of face is on the other end ofthe head?1. A square flat face2. A round pointed face3. A tapered chisel face4. A curved claw face3-12.What are the four basic types ofdead blow hammers currently in use?1. Standard head, slimline head,sledge, and ball peen2. Round head, streamline neck,curved back, and rivet face3. Huge, large, medium, and small4. Ball peen, curved back, rivetface, and round head3-13.Which of the following types ofmallets is made by tightly wrappingand staking a sheet of leather?1. A carpenter's mallet2. A rubber mallet3. A tinner's mallet4. A rawhide mallet3-14.Cross-point screwdrivers normallycome in which of the followingsizes?1.2 t o4 inch sizes2.3 t o8 inch sizes3.4 t o 12 inch sizes4.9 t o 16 inch sizes3-15.Which of the following types ofscrewdrivers should you use todrive or remove screws that cannotbe lined up straight with commonscrewdrivers, or are located intight corners?3-16.Which of the following tools isused to make a pilot hole in woodfor wood screws?1. A cross-point screwdriver2. A flexible screwdriver3. A screw starter or gimlet4. A two-piece collet die3-17.Which of the following types ofdrills is made up of a head, crank,crank handle, ratchet mechanism,and chuck?1. A hand drill2. A breast drill3. A brace drill4. An electric drill3-18.Which of the following tools areused to remove broken screwswithout damaging the threads orsurrounding material?1. Screw extractors2 . P l u m b b o b s3. Chisels4. Scribers3-19.Which of the following types ofwrenches has a long smooth shankproviding the user with a bettergripping surface and is used toreach behind or below blindsurfaces?1. A box wrench2. A plug wrench3. A torque wrench4. An engineer's single open-endwrench3-20.Box wrenches surround the nuts.bolt heads, or studs on all sides.They are available with which ofthe following point openings?1.6-point openings2. 12-point openings3. Both 1 and 2 above4. 29-point openings1. Cross-point2. Cross-tip3 . R a t c h e t4 . O f f s e t14
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