ASSIGNMENT 4Textbook Assignment:" F i l e s , " "Grinders and Sharpening Stones," "Scrapers," "Awls," "Boltand Cable Cutters," "Glass Cutters," "Knives,' 'Pipe Cutting andThreading Tools," "Tube Cutting and Flaring Tools," 'Shears andNippers," "Taps and Dies," "Reamers," and "Benders," chapters 28through 40, pages 28-1 through 40-4.4-1.The point, edge, face, heel, andtang are the five parts of which ofthe following tools?1 . A f i l e2. A screwdriver3. A torque wrench4. A machinist's chisel4-2.Curved-tooth files are cut in acontour across the face and areused to smooth which of thefollowing surfaces?1. Aluminum and bronze2. Lead and babbitt3. Zinc and plastics4. All of the above4-3.A file used for heavier work willhave which of the following gradesof coarseness?1. Second-cut2. Smooth-cut3. Bastard-cut4. Dead smooth-cut4-4.Which of the following types offiles are used to file in slots andkeyways?1. Three-square files2. Curved-tooth files3 . P i l l a r f i l e s4 . R o u n d f i l e s4-5.Which of the following types offiles are used to file rectangularslots and keyways?1. Curved-tooth files2. Three-square files3. Warding files4 . S q u a r e f i l e s4-6.4-7.4-8.4-9.Which of the following types offiles should you use to fileinternal angles and to clean outsquare corners?1 . A r o u n d f i l e2. A three-square file3. A curved-tooth file4 . A m i l l f i l eWhich of the following types offiles are made to more exactmeasurements than American filesand are used primarily as finishingtools on delicate parts?1.Three-square files2. Swiss pattern files3. Pillar files4. Round filesWhen filing soft metal, you shouldstart with a second-cut file andfinish with which of the followingf i l e s ?1. A smooth-cut file2. A course double-cut file3. A bastard-cut file4. A standard-cut curved-toothf i l eWhen using a new file, what willhappen if you apply too muchpressure?1. The file will become brittle2. The filing surface will turnblue3. The teeth on the file willbreak off4.The file will become soft19
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