ASSIGNMENT 2Textbook Assignment:"Levels," "Plumb Bulbs," "Scribers," "Squares," "Surface, Depth, andHeight Gages," "Ring and Snap Gages and Gage Blocks," "MiscellaneousMeasuring Gages," "Pliers and Tongs," and "Vises," chapters 10 through18, pages 10-1 through 18-5.2-1.Levels are designed for which ofthe following purposes? prove whether a plane is inthe true vertical or truehorizontalTo prove whether a surface isin the true vertical or truehorizontalBoth land 2 aboveTo remove the rough spots onsurfaces2-2.Which of the following types oflevels is used mostly in theconstruction industry?1. The machinist's level2. The line level3. The iron bench level4. The striding level2-3.What feature on a machinist'slevel increases its accuracy andsensitivity?1. Its metallic coating2. Its extra large vial3. Its grooved bottom4. Its light weight2-4.Which of the following levels hasa main vial that is used todetermine true horizontal, and twosmaller vials that are used todetermine true vertical?1. The machinist's level2. The striding level3. The line level4. The master precision level2-5.Which of the following levels isused to span existing cabling,piping, or similar obstructions?1. The master precision level2. The iron bench level3. The striding level4. The machinist's level2-6.The carpenter's level has threevials. One vial is mountedvertically and another is mountedhorizontally. The third vial ismounted at what angle?1. 35 degrees2. 45 degrees3. 55 degrees4. 90 degrees2-7.A plumb bob is used for which ofthe following purposes?1. To establish a true verticaltransfer and line-up referencepoint2. To take readings or soundingsin tanks or voids3. Both 2 and 3 above4. To measure the distance betweentwo horizontal points2-8.Plumb bobs are used by which ofthe following people?3. Maintenance technicians4. All of the above1. Carpenters2. Surveyors2-9.The surveyor's brass plumb bob maybe either a spool type or whatother type?1. An adjustable cap type2. A permanent cap type3. A flexible cap type4. A reverse cap type7
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