TM 9-243TYPES AND USESScrapers are made in different shapes for various typesof work. Some scrapers are used for trueing metal,wood, and plastic surfaces which have been machinedor filed. Other scrapers are made to remove paint, sten-cil markings, and other coatings from various surfaces.BOX SCRAPERCARBON SCRAPERA carbon scraper is used to clean carbon from, cylinderheads, pistons, and other metal surfaces. It is flexibleand has an overall length of approximately 9 inches. Thecarbon scraper consists of ten round spring steelblades, and their flexibility is controlled by a slidingferrule.Box scrapers are most generally used to scrape stencilmarkings from wood surfaces. They are also used aswood floor scrapers. The box scraper has a 2-inch bladeand a 9-inch handle hinged at the blade. The bottom ofthe scraper and the edge of the cutter are convex so thatcorners do not scratch up the work. The blade can beadjusted by loosening the thumbscrew and extending orwithdrawing the blade in its holder.FLAT BLADE SCRAPERBEARING SCRAPERFlat blade scrapers are used for removing high spotsfrom flat surfaces only.Bearing scrapers are used to scrape babbitt metalbearings. Bearing scrapers come with 1-1/2, 2, and4-inch cutting edges.TRIANGULAR BLADE SCRAPERTriangular blade scrapers are used for removing highspots from flat or curved surfaces. They are availablewith either a 4 or 6-inch blade.30-2
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