TM 9-243TYPES AND USESSADDLER’S AWLSCRATCH AWLThe saddler’s sewing and stitching awl has a roundwooden handle and interchangeable blades. The awl isused to punch holes in leather and as an aid duringsewing. Cover points when not in use.The scratch awl has a fixed tapered blade and a woodenhandle. It is used to scribe marks or as a center punch onsoft wood and plastics. Cover points when not in use.USING A SCRATCH AWL1Place material to be scribed on a flat surface. Placea ruler or straight edge on guide marks. You willalready have measured and marked where youwant to scribe.WARNINGAWLS ARE VERY SHARP AND MUSTBE USED WITH EXTREME CAUTION3Hold straight edge firmly. Hold the awl like a penciland scribe a line along the straight edge.2Remove the protective cover (1).4Replace protective cover (1).CARE OF AWLS1.Keep points covered when not in use and stow awlsin racks or in tool boxes.2.Lightly oil metal parts before storing.3 1 - 2
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