TM 9-243TYPES AND USES - ContinuedSHEAR CUT, FLAT BAR, ANDSTRIP CUTTER (Cont)The cutting capacities range from 7/8 x 5/32 inch to1-1/2 x 9/32 inch for soft and medium steel, and from 3/4x 1/8 to 1-7/16 x 1/4 inch for hard steel. The handlesrange from 14-inch to 36-inch lenghts.SIDE NUT SPLITTER CUTTERThe side nut splitter cutter has the edge of the cuttingjaws in line with the handles. When adjusted properly,the cutting edges will remain separated after the nut issplit. This tool is used to split nuts off bolts, with the tool“head on” to the bolt, without damaging the bolt. Cuttingcapacity is rated for a 3/8-inch bolt nut and is adjustableto 5/16-inch and 1/4-inch capacity. The handle is 24inches long.ANGULAR CUT CUTTERAngular cut cutters have the cutting edges offset 30degrees from the handles. This is so the user can keepthe work in sight. It is used for close cutting of soft ormedium-hard metals. Cutting capacities range from 1/4inch to 1/2 inch for medium steel. The handles rangefrom 14 inches to 36 inches in length.SHEAR CUT CABLE CUTTERShear cut cable cutters have curved interposing cutters.They are used to cut lead and rubber-covered cable,and communication cable. Cutting capacities for leadand rubber-covered cable is 1-3/8 inches for the25-1/2-inch handle, and 2-1/4 inches for the 37-inchhandle. The communication cable cutting capacity forthe 25-1/2-inch handle is 500,000 circular mils, and750,000 circular mils for the 37-inch handle.32-3
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