TM 9-243TYPES AND USESCIRCLE GASKET CUTTERHOLLOW GASKET CUTTERThe compass-style circle gasket cutter cuts gasketsfrom 4-inch diameters through 20-inch diameters. It cutsleather, paper, plastic, rubber, sheet lead, or thin wood.It has an aluminum frame with a graduated scale, steelpivot pin, and tempered tool steel knives. It requires aknurled thumb screw adjustment to change diameters.BIT BRACE CIRCLE GASKET CUTTERThe bit brace circle gasket cutter adjusts from 1 to 5-1/2inches in diameter. It cuts metal, plastic, wood,hardwood and other materials. It has a tapered squareshank to fit a bit brace. It comes with a 3/16-inch toolsteel bit, 1/4-inch pilot drill, and a hex wrench for easyadjustment.The hollow gasket cutter is also known as a hollowpunch. It is extremely serviceable for cutting soft mate-rials. It comes in a set with a mandrel. The sizes are 1/4,5/16, 3/8, 7/16, 1/2, 9/16, and 5/8 inch. The set willwithstand unlimited use if a hardwood block is usedunder the gasket material when cutting gaskets. Theyare not designed for cutting metal or cutting against ahard surface. Other individual hollow gasket cutters arealso available.HEAVY DUTY BENCH MOUNTGASKET CUTTERThe bench mount gasket cutter is used for heavy dutyjobs requiring gaskets cut from the heaviest ofmaterials.44-2
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