TM 9-243TYPES AND USESSINGLE-BEVEL AND DOUBLE-BEVELThe mattock is designed for digging and cutting opera-tions. The mattock can have a single or double-beveledhead. However, the single-beveled mattock can becombined with other digging tools to perform a variety offunctions. For example, the “pick-mattock’ is a combi-nation of the single-beveled mattock and pick.SAFETY1.When using a mattock, it is important to have a firm2.Do not swing a mattock until you are sure that nofooting and correct posture to prevent the mattockone will be endangered by the swing, a possiblefrom glancing and striking the feet or legs if the markloose head, or glancing of the missed.USING THE MATTOCKWARNINGWEAR EYE PROTECTION.Distribute body weight equally on both feet. Theknees should be set but not tense. The feet shouldbe spread apart at a comfortable distance. Thebody should be relaxed and free to swing and bendfrom the hips.43-2
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