TM 9-243USING THE COMBINATION BARWARNINGUSE CARE IN USING THE COMBINA-TION BAR TO AVOID SLIPPAGE ANDPERSONAL INJURY.1 Insert the long tapered blade (1) between boards (2)to be removed or ripped. Then exert leverage on theshort hooked blade (3) of the bar to pry the boardsloose.2 Insert the short hooked blade (3) between theboards if greater leverage is required.3To remove nails, use the short hooked blade (3) nailslot to remove a nail that is almost completely drivenhome. Pull the nail approximately half-way out.Then switch to the long tapered blade (1) nail slot tocompletely remove the nail.CARE OF BARSCAUTION2.They should be covered with light oil before storingWhen grinding, take care to cool the endin a dry place.being ground by dipping it in water fre-3.The ends of the bars should be kept in shape byquently, so tempering is not lost.filing or grinding to their original shape, because adull chisel end or claw end makes using the bar1.Bars require little maintenance. They should bemore difficult.thoroughly cleaned after use when they accumulatedirt and grease.42-3/(42-4 blank)
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