TM 9-243TYPES AND USES - ContinuedSLIDE HAMMER PULLERCOTTER PIN PULLERThe slide hammer puller set is a universal-type pullerequipped with a two and three-way yoke, three mediumjaws for outside pulls and two small jaws for insidepulling. The small jaws can be inserted through a1/2-inch opening. The capacity of the medium jaws is6-1/4 inches. The slide hammer puller is also equippedwith a locking feature which holds the jaws open or locksthem on the work.USING A GEAR AND BEARING PULLERA cotter pin puller is an S-shaped tool used to install or toremove cotter pins. One end is used to insert throughthe cotter pins for extracting. The other end is used forspreading the cotter pin. The shank is beveled squarefor easy handling and for a firm grip. This type is seveninches long.1Check all gripping edges and threads of a puller fordamage before using it.2 Place the puller (1) firmly in position and secure it.3 Use the proper size wrench for turning the pressurescrew or nut (2) to avoid rounding the corners of thenut or of the screw head.4Turn the pressure screw or nut slowly in a clockwisedirection until the gear bearing is removed.WARNINGTURN THE PRESSURE SCREW ORNUT SLOWLY TO PREVENT INJURYAS THE GEAR BEARING IS RELEASED.41-4
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