TM 9-243TYPES AND USESBars are steel tools used to lift and move heavy objectsand to pry where leverage is needed. They can also beused to remove nails and spikes, and to loosen hard soilfor digging. The most commonly used types of bars arethe wrecking bar, crowbar, pinch bar, and combinationpry bar. These bars range from 12 inches to 72 inches inlength, depending upon their design and the purpose forwhich they are used.should be used in a position where the weight of theuser’s body is exerted downward on the long section ofthe lever. When possible use a block or other object as afulcrum behind the bar, near the spot where the bar’spoint is wedged under the object to be moved.WRECKING BARThe wrecking bar is used to pull large nails or spikes, toopen heavy crates, and to do wrecking work.CROWBARPINCH BARThe pinch bar is used for light ripping and prying jobs.COMBINATION BARThe crowbar is used for heavy prying and for movingheavy timbers and other large objects short distances. Itcan also be used for loosening rock formations, as alever for moving rails, and for breaking up hard earthwhen digging. In moving heavy objects or prying, itThe combination pry bar is an all-purpose combinationpry and scrape bar for rugged heavy-duty service. It isused to pry, pull, cut, scrape, lift, and pound nails. Theslim tapered blades are easily inserted for prying andlifting. It also has beveled nail slots.SAFETY1.Wrecking bars are exceptionally heavy, and carenot slip and cause personal injury.must be taken to keep them from falling and striking3.someone.Do not use bars for extra heavy work, since they willbend and may cause injury.2.When using bars for prying, make sure the bar does42-2
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