TM 9-243TYPES AND USESCEMENT TROWELThe cement trowel is a flat rectangular blade fastenedby a metal strap and shank to a wooden handle. It isused in concrete work for leveling, smoothing, or push-ing wet cement into place.BRICK TROWELThis type of trowel has a pointed flat blade at one end,and a steel shank that attaches to a wooden handle atthe other. The brick trowel is used to scoop and spreadmortar.MINER’S SPOONThe miner’s spoon is used to lift material out of narrowdeep holes, in order to clear for further drilling or topermit placing of explosive charges. The miner’s spoonis a slender metal rod with the ends forged into smallbowl-shaped projections at right angles to the rod.BLOCKSBlocks are used in combination with rope and wire tohoist and move loads. The block consists of a metalshell which supports both ends of a pin. The shell alsohouses a grooved pulley that revolves on the pin.Attached at one end of the first block is a freely revolvinghook. Blocks may be classified as single, double, triple,etc. according to the number of pulleys housed in theshell of the block. Depending on the various combina-tions of blocks available to do the job, the mechanicaladvantage can be increased indefinitely.53-2
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