TM 9-243TYPES AND USES - ContinuedTRIP WIRE GRAPNELCABLE JAW GRIPThe trip wire grapnel is a metal weight resembling threeor four fish hooks, with a common shank ending in aneye. The hooks spread out in different directions at theother end of the shank. Attached to the eye portion of theshank is a marlin cord of varying length. The grapnel isused to trip wires designed to go off on contact, to find.booby traps, or to detonate mines.CHAIN ASSEMBLYThe cable jaw grip is used to tighten or stretch wires orcables for various operations. Examples of applicationinclude removing kinks or bends in cables, tighteningcables on loads or bales, or for cleaning and oiling ofcables. Cable grips, depending on their application, varyin size and design.TENSION PULLERThe chain assembly is a heavy duty linked chain with agrab hook at one end and a ring at the other. The chainassembly is used for such applications as towing vehi-cles, slinging loads, and hauling objects. The chainassembly is available in a wide variety of lengths andlink sizes depending on the nature of the use.Like the cable jaw grip, the tension puller is used totighten or stretch cables. The tension puller has strongcable (1) attached to a cable notch gear (2). At the end ofthe cable is a hook (3). This hook (3) can be attached tothe eyelet of the cable to be tightened. Tension is thenapplied to the cable by moving the tension handle (4) inan up and down motion.53-3
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