Figure 5-3. - Service sink (slop sink).
After the tank is firmly attached to the bowl, connect the water supply pipe to the tank inlet with a riser tube, as shown in figure 5-11. The jiffy connector used here is the same as the connector used to connect the water supply to the faucets of a lavatory.
Flushometer valves are used in place of a tank-type valve in some applications. When a flush valve is used,
Figure 5-4. - Lavatory.
no tank to hold the flushing mechanism or water is required. Flush valves operate by diaphragm or piston action.
Flush valves require less water volume per flush than a tank-type valve, provide quicker multiple flushing capability, and lower maintenance costs in commercial applications; however, they are noisier than tank-type valves, initially cost more than a tank- type valve, and require a higher operating pressure than tank-type valves. Basically, the flush valve is suited more for the commercial or industrial application, and the flush tank is used in small buildings or single family dwellings.
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