Figure 6-45. - A low-temperature screw or helix compressor system. (1) Compressor; (2) Oil separator and reservoir; (3) Oil coller; (4) Oil filters (5) Hot -gas discharge line.
bond is made until the heat of the copper has been reduced below the temperature of oxidation.
All joints should be silver-soldered and kept to a minimum to reduce leaks. Special copper tube fittings designed for refrigeration service should be used since these are manufactured with close tolerances to assure tight capillary joints in the brazing process.
SAE flare joints are generally not desired, but when necessary, care should be taken in making the joint. The flare must be of uniform thickness and should present a smooth, accurate surface, free from tool marks, splits, or scratches. The tubing must be cut square, provided with a full flare, and any burrs and saw filings removed. The flare seat of the fitting connector must be free from dents or scratches. The flare can best be made with a special swivel head flaring tool, available as a general stores item, which remains stationary and does not tear or scar the face of the flare in the tubing. Oil should not be used on the face of the flare, either in making up the flare or in securing it to the fitting, since the oil will eventually be dissolved by the refrigerant in the system and cause a leak through the displacement of the oil. The flare joint should always be tightened with two wrenches - one to turn the nut and the other to hold the connecting piece to avoid strain on the connection and cause a leak.
Where pipe or tubing has to be bent, bends should be made with special tools designed for this type of work. Do not use rosin, sand, or any other filler inside the tubing to make a bend. Threaded joints should be coated with a special refrigerant pipe dope. In an emergency, use a thread compound for making up a joint; remember R-12 and R-22 are hydrocarbons, which dissolve any compound containing oil. A compound containing an acid or one whose residual substance forms an acid should not be used. The use of
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