Another type of tumbler used at Navy activities is the Cissell model 36-inch tumbler. This tumbler has a drying capacity of 50 pounds (dry weight) of laundry per hour. This tumbler can have heat for drying supplied by a oil-fired burner attached to the unit or supplied by a permanent plant source. It also has a "cool down" feature for permanent press and other modern-day fabrics.
The following instructions on the installation, maintenance, and repair of tumblers apply to the Huebsch Loadmaster model 42-inch tumbler. Always consult the manufacturer's instructions for the brand and model that you are installing.
When installing the tumbler, you should ensure the following:
Ensure the tumbler is level and properly secured to the floor. In leveling, use shims of adequate size to avoid weight concentration.
The dryer room must be well ventilated. An opening of 2 square feet to the atmosphere must be supplied for each 1,700-cubic-feet per minute (cfm) model and 4 square feet for each 3,000-cfm model. Allow adequate clearance on all sides for servicing and efficient loading and dispatching of dried materials.
On steam-heated laundry tumblers, a minimum of 100 psi should be maintained for efficient performance. Connect 3/4-inch steam supply and return lines to the coils as marked on the coil housing.
Laundry tumblers are factory-wired for operation and require only a power supply connection.
A fused disconnect should be installed. For multiple-tumbler installations, each unit should be equipped with a disconnect switch.
Ensure the fan rotation is correct.
For maximum efficiency of single- or multiple-unit installation, air discharge must be ducted individually to the atmosphere by the shortest possible route. For runs less than 20 feet, the duct size must equal the discharge spout or be larger. For each additional 30 feet of duct run, increase the entire duct diameter by one tenth for round duct or the entire duct area by one fifth for rectangle duct. Discharge to the atmosphere must be constructed to get rid of too much back pressure and to prevent the entrance of weather. The end of the duct should be at least one diameter away from any obstacle.
Check for correct cylinder, belt, and chain adjustment before starting the unit, as described later in this chapter. Turn the power on and start the tumbler to check the cylinder and fan rotation and the door switch adjustment.
Turn the steam on. Place a load of damp rags in the cylinder and run until dry. Check the cylinder adjustment under load and check for vibration or unusual noise. Reversing models must be checked for correct time delay betweeh reversing cycles. Correct any adjustment before placing the tumbler in service.
Two views of the tumbler are shown in figures 5-14 and 5-15. Try to keep the tumblers operating at peak efficiency.
Some general maintenance and minor repair procedures in the care and upkeep of tumblers are as follows:
Loose wire connections can cause tumbler failure and possible damage. Remove the control box cover and check the controls.
Replace the contactor points when pitted or worn. Check and tighten all wire connections, including thermal overload heating coils. Check for secure mounting of controls to the control box.
Ensure that electric motors are removed and cleaned thoroughly. Frequent tripping of the thermal overload circuit breakers may be caused by low voltage, loose connections, reversed fan, or high ambient temperature. Never increase thermal overload heater size without complete investigation.
The door switch, thermostat, and other optional electrical equipment require replacement upon failure. After exchange, check the wiring diagram before turning on the power. Check with the power on. Adjust if necessary before returning to service.
ADJUSTMENTS. - In servicing the tumbler, you may have to adjust the belt, chain, cylinder, and
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