One type of laundry unit you may encounter in your work is shown in views A, B, and C of figure 5-9. This laundry unit is mounted on three skids that are fitted together in assembling; the unit. On one skid is the washer unit, which consists of two, 75-pound, 26- by 26-inch end-loading washers, and one 30-inch
Figure 5-9. - Skid-mounted laundry unit.
top-loading extractor. View C shows the extractor and the back of the washers more clearly. The middle skid has the dryer unit, which consists of two 42- by 42-inch steam-heated drying tumblers, one air compressor, an electric-driven motor, and one stainless steel surge tank. The other skid has the boiler unit; it consists of an oil-fired 33-horsepower steam generator with a return hot well, a water softener, and a 350-gallon hot-water storage tank. This laundry unit can wash and fluff dry 225 pounds (dry weight) of laundry per hour.
In the following sections, information is provided about the installation, maintenance, and minor repair of laundry equipment. This information is not intended to furnish all the details you need to know concerning installation, maintenance, and repair of washers, extractors, drying tumblers, and steam generators. For specific information, you should always refer to the instruction manual provided by the manufacturer of the equipment.
The purpose of a washer is to wash clothes and other suitable materials. The washing process is a series of baths during which soil is loosened from the materials, suspended in the water, and finally rinsed away. Several baths are usually necessary to remove the soil completely.
The type of washer most often used at Navy activities is the Pellerin-Milnor end-loaded, fully automatic washer (fig. 5-10) that is often referred too simply as the "Milnor." This washer is provided with a removable FORMULA CHART, which can be easily changed at the discretion of the operator. Each formula chart provides a full 88 minutes of operation if desired. Marker labels affixed to the formula show the operation in progress and which supplies are needed when the timer signals. The Milnor washer is also equipped with a Miltrol timer to carry the washer through a complete cycle by following the formula cut in the chart.
The Milnor washer has an automatic supply injector unit that consists of five compartments. Various supplies are placed into these compartments at the start of the washing cycle. At a designated time, the supplies are flushed from each compartment into the washer.
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