studs, and the total effective penetration into the woodshould be at least 1 1/2 inches. For example, 3/8-inchplywood siding over 3/4-inch wood sheathing wouldrequire a 7d nail (which is 2 1/4 inches long). This wouldresult in a 1 1/8-inch penetration into the stud, but a totaleffective penetration of 1 7/8 inches into the woodsheathing.The joints of all types of sheet material should becaulked with mastic unless the joints are of theinterlapping or matched type of battens. It is a goodpractice to place a strip of 15-pound asphalt felt underjoints.CORNER COVERINGSThe outside corners of a wood-framed structure canbe finished in several ways. Siding boards can bemiter-joined at the corners. Shingles can be edge-lappedalternately. The ends of siding boards can be butted atthe corners and then covered with a metal cap.Corner BoardsA type of corner finish that can be used with almostany kind of outside-wall covering is called a cornerboard. This corner board can be applied to the cornerwith the siding or shingles end-or-edge-butted againstthe board.A corner board usually consists of two pieces ofstock: one piece 3 inches wide and the other 4 incheswide if an edge-butt joint between the corner boards isused. The boards are cut to a length that will extend fromthe top of the water table to the bottom of the frieze.They are edge-butted and nailed together before they arenailed to the corner. This procedure ensures a good tightjoint (fig. 4-5). A strip of building paper should be tackedover the corner before the corner board is nailed inposition (always allow an overlap of paper to cover thesubsequent crack formed where the ends of the sidingbutts against the corner board).Interior CornersInterior corners (fig. 4-6, view A) are butted againsta square corner board of nominal 1 1/4- or 1 3/8-inchsize, depending on the thickness of the siding.Mitered CornersMitering the corners (fig. 4-6, view B) of bevel andsimilar sidings is often not satisfactory, unless it iscarefully done to prevent openings. A good joint mustFigure 4-5.-Corner tightly the full depth of the miter. You should alsotreat the ends with a water-repellent preservative beforenailing.Metal CornersMetal corners (fig. 4-6, view C) are perhaps morecommonly used than the mitered corner and give amitered effect. They are easily placed over each corneras the siding is installed. The metal corners should fittightly and should be nailed on each side to the sheathingor corner stud beneath. When made of galvanized iron,they should be cleaned with a mild acid wash and primedwith a metal primer before the structure is painted toprevent early peeling of the paint. Weathering of themetal will also prepare it for the prime paint coat.corner boards (fig. 4-5) of various types and sizesmay be used for horizontal sidings ofaall types. They alsoprovide a satisfactory termination for plywood andsimilar sheet materials. Vertical applications of matchedpaneling or of boards and battens are terminated bylapping one side and nailing into the edge of thismember, as well as to the nailing members beneath.corner boards are usually 1 1/8 or 1 3/8 inches wide. Togive a distinctive appearance, they should be quitenarrow. Plain outside casing, commonly used forwindow and doorframes, can be adapted for cornerboards.4-6
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